No Two Ways About It, Enby’s Slays!
What’s Better Than Femboy Hooters? Enby’s!! A Non-Binary Wendy’s Spoof of course!
It’s been an interesting last while, making computers cry and accidentally having the haunted audio haunted(more than intended oops) Let the spooks rest a little bit for now, it’s about time we up our fast food game and serve! The food will be less cursed and more aspirational, very gender, very slay as the Bees say!
Celebrating being a goofy bean, and offering a more expressive and welcoming world! There’s no single road about it, it’s a choose your own adventure to build your path and your you! Being goofy, making more parody products, and sharing the fun of being oneself! It may have taken years, though even if briefly I was able to place myself and see my own face being my own person. It’s never easy to carve your own path, though only you get to walk it and if the goal you decide is at the end of it is worth it, then it’s an adventure worth going on! Taking many years myself, there was an adventure and a half to place myself as part queer community, and finding place in fluidity and often non-binary identity. The fixation on labels become constrictive rather then comforting, so however you live, however you feel, just know if you’re having fun and happy then whatever that looks like for you you’re doing something right!
There is definitely a wordy explanation for the plans in motion, just know that I’m going to relax more two youtube live performances a week for now and streaming more relaxed working being live without a set goal. I want to be able to hangout more and chat which is difficult for some of the more absurd performances. Instead of fearing that if I don’t do something elaborate and actively make or give something to others that I have little value, I’m going to show up and just exist and be around as just a bean despite my fears. Twitch is now where I will exist to just be at times in between performances on YouTube and the end of week roundoff!
Let’s get ready to Bee a Busy Bee!